Reach, Surrender and Receive.

Hello My Friend,

I hope all is well in your world! A new month is upon us and my intention for the month of August is Reach, Surrender and Receive.  When we've worked really hard on something, it's so difficult to let go of the outcome.  In our mind if feels like we're giving up, but in reality we're fulfilling our part of the process.

When we try to do and control everything, there's no space for others to show up for us and sometimes they just stop trying.

I think the Reach and Surrender part of my intention won't be hard, it's the Receive part that may be challenging because that entails getting feedback .... for better or worse.

On this week's Built By a Boss podcast, I did a short, solo episode about feedback, called "How To Turn Your Fear Into Feedback That Will Grow Your Business."   You don't need to have a business to get something out of the podcast so take a listen when you have a moment.

Have a great week!
